RHD Recording Headstages

General Information

We offer several types of RHD headstages that allow users to connect to electrodes (not included) and record electrophysiological signals from up to 128 low-noise amplifier channels.

Each headstage contains an Intan RHD amplifier chip, a few support components, a small connector to mate with a digital interface cable, and a connector to mate with a variety of commercial recording electrodes. Multiple headstages may be connected to an RHD recording controller or USB interface board using thin, flexible SPI interface cables. All signals are amplified and digitized directly on the headstage, so data on the interface cables is purely digital and immune to noise pickup.

Every RHD headstage has the following capabilities when used in an RHD recording system:

  • Monitor and record signals from all amplifier channels at sampling rates up to 30 kSamples/s per channel.
  • Reconfigure amplifier analog bandwidth from software over a range of 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz.
  • Measure in situ electrode impedances at user-selectable frequencies.

Note: RHD headstages do not work with the RHS stim/recording controller. The RHD and RHS systems are not compatible.

RHD 16-Channel Recording Headstages

Our 16-channel recording headstages have 18-pin electrode connectors that mate with many commercially-available electrodes, including probes from the following companies:

These headstages also mate with the following Intan custom electrode adapters:

The 16-channel headstages come in two versions: with and without a 3-axis accelerometer which can be used to synchronize electrophysiological data with headstage movement.

Technical Specs
Part #C3334
RHD 16ch
Part #C3335
RHD 16ch + accel
headstage inputs 16 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground
electrode connector Omnetics A79041: 18 pins, 2 guide posts
data cable connector 12-pin RHD SPI cable connector;
high-speed serial digital data
3-axis accelerometer no yes
size 23 mm x 13 mm 19 mm x 13 mm
mass 0.79 grams 0.92 grams
Intan RHD 16ch headstage with SPI interface cable
RHD 16-channel headstage with ultra thin SPI interface cable
Intan RHD 16ch headstage with accelerometer
RHD 16-channel headstage with accelerometer (top and bottom views). A 3-axis accelerometer is mounted on the bottom of the headstage.

Intan RHD 16ch headstage with ports labeled

The zero-ohm jumper R0 may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground.

Intan RHD 16ch headstage electrode connector pinout

These headstages use a 32-channel RHD amplifier chip. Amplifier channels 0-7 and 24-31 are tied to ground.

RHD 16-Channel Bipolar-Input Recording Headstages

This headstage is optimized for recording applications where pairs of electrodes having similar impedances are used, such as surface EMG. The 16-channel bipolar-input recording headstages have independent in+ and in- inputs on each amplifier channel for paired differential recording.

These headstages mate with the following Intan custom electrode adapters:

The 16-channel bipolar-input headstages come in two versions: with and without a 3-axis accelerometer which can be used to synchronize electrophysiological data with headstage movement.

Technical Specs
Part #C3313
RHD 16ch bipolar
Part #C3323
RHD 16ch bipolar
+ accel
headstage inputs 16 bipolar inputs (in+, in-), ground
electrode connector Omnetics A79025: 36 pins, 4 guide posts
data cable connector 12-pin RHD SPI cable connector;
high-speed serial digital data
3-axis accelerometer no yes
size 24 mm x 15 mm 24 mm x 15.5 mm
mass 0.94 grams 1.03 grams
Intan RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage
RHD 16-channel bipolar-input headstage with SPI interface cable
Intan RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage with accelerometer
RHD 16-channel bipolar-input headstage with accelerometer

Intan RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage with ports labeled

Note: Headstage version with accelerometer does not include 0.1" mounting hole.

Intan RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage electrode connector pinout

Four redundant GND pins are provided on the electrode connector; only one needs to be connected.

RHD 32-Channel Recording Headstages

Our 32-channel recording headstages have 36-pin electrode connectors that mate with many commercially-available electrodes, including probes from the following companies:

These headstages also mate with the following Intan custom electrode adapters:

The 32-channel headstages come in two versions: with and without a 3-axis accelerometer which can be used to synchronize electrophysiological data with headstage movement.

Technical Specs
Part #C3314
RHD 32ch
Part #C3324
RHD 32ch + accel
headstage inputs 32 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground
electrode connector Omnetics A79025: 36 pins, 4 guide posts
data cable connector 12-pin RHD SPI cable connector;
high-speed serial digital data
3-axis accelerometer no yes
size 24 mm x 15 mm 24 mm x 15.5 mm
mass 0.94 grams 1.03 grams
Intan RHD 32ch headstage with SPI interface cable
RHD 32-channel headstage with SPI interface cable
Intan RHD 32ch headstage with accelerometer
RHD 32-channel headstage with accelerometer

Intan RHD 32ch headstage with ports labeled

The zero-ohm jumper R0 may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground.

Note: Headstage version with accelerometer does not include 0.1" mounting hole.

Intan RHD 32ch headstage electrode connector pinout

Two redundant REF pins and two redundant GND pins are provided on the electrode connector; only one needs to be connected.

RHD 64-Channel Recording Headstages

Our 64-channel recording headstages have two 36-pin electrode connectors that mate with many commercially-available electrodes, including probes from the following companies:

These headstages also mate with the following Intan custom electrode adapters (two adapters are required):

The 64-channel headstages come in two versions: with and without a 3-axis accelerometer which can be used to synchronize electrophysiological data with headstage movement.

Technical Specs
Part #C3315
RHD 64ch
Part #C3325
RHD 64ch + accel
headstage inputs 64 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground
electrode connector 2x Omnetics A79025: 36 pins, 4 guide posts each
data cable connector 12-pin RHD SPI cable connector;
high-speed serial digital data
3-axis accelerometer no yes
size 21 mm x 14 mm 22 mm x 14 mm
mass 1.30 grams 1.38 grams
Intan RHD 64ch headstage
RHD 64-channel headstage
Intan RHD 64ch headstage with accelerometer
RHD 64-channel headstage with accelerometer

Intan RHD 64ch headstage with ports labeled

The zero-ohm jumper R0 may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground.

Note: Headstage version with accelerometer does not include 0.1" mounting hole.

Intan RHD 64ch headstage electrode connector pinout (top)

Intan RHD 64ch headstage electrode connector pinout (bottom)

Two redundant REF pins and two redundant GND pins are provided on each electrode connector; only one needs to be connected for the entire headstage.

Intan RHD 64ch headstage electrode connector spacing

Units are in inches.

RHD 128-Channel Recording Headstage

Our 128-channel recording headstage has two 64-pin Molex SlimStack electrode connectors that mate with the following silicon probes:

The UCLA probes must be electroplated using the RHD electroplating board that has been designed to work with this headstage. A cable from the electroplating board plugs into a small connector on the headstage and delivers currents to assist in plating electrode sites to reduce impedance prior to recording. Note: The RHD electroplating board was discontinued in February 2022.

The following datasheet provides more details on the operation of the 128-channel headstage.

Technical Specs
Part #C3316
RHD 128ch
headstage inputs 128 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground
electrode connector 2x Molex SlimStack 502426-6410
data cable connector 12-pin RHD SPI cable connector;
high-speed serial digital data
electroplating board connector 6-pin connector;
control cable from RHD electroplating board
size 35 mm x 21 mm
mass 2.05 grams
Intan RHD 128ch headstage
RHD 128-channel headstage
Intan RHD 128ch headstage with interface cables
RHD 128-channel headstage with blue SPI interface cable and optional multicolored cable from RHD electroplating board

Intan RHD 128ch headstage with ports labeled

The zero-ohm jumper R0 on the bottom side of the headstage may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground. Two mounting holes are provided. Center-to-center spacing of the two Molex connectors is 8.8646 mm (0.349 inches).

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