RHS Stim/Recording Headstages
General Information
Two types of RHS headstages allow users to connect to electrodes (not included), record electrophysiological signals from 16 or 32 low-noise amplifier channels, and deliver stimulation pulses on the same channels.
Each headstage contains an Intan RHS stim/amplifier chip, a few support components, a small connector to mate with a digital interface cable, and a connector to mate with a variety of commercial recording electrodes. Multiple headstages may be connected to an RHS stim/recording controller using thin, flexible Stim SPI interface cables. All signals are amplified and digitized directly on the headstage, so data on the interface cables is purely digital and immune to noise pickup.
Every RHS headstage has the following capabilities when used in an RHS stim/recording system:
- Monitor and record signals from all amplifier channels at sampling rates up to 30 kSamples/s per channel.
- Reconfigure amplifier analog bandwidth from software over a range of 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz.
- Measure in situ electrode impedances at user-selectable frequencies.
- Deliver biphasic or triphasic constant-current stimulation pulses with amplitudes ranging from 10 nA to 2.5 mA.
Note: RHS headstages do not work with the RHD recording controller, the RHD USB interface board, or the Open Ephys system. The RHD and RHS systems are not compatible.
RHS 16-Channel Stim/Recording Headstages
Our 16-channel stim/recording headstage has an 18-pin electrode connector that mates with many commercially-available electrodes, including probes from the following companies:
- Atlas Neuroengineering (16ch semi-chronic, chronic probes)
- Doric Lenses (opto-electric cannulas)
- MicroProbes (most array types)
- NeuroNexus (CM16LP, OCM16LP, H16, HC16, OH16LP, DM16, MR_CM16, MR_H16, V16, OV16, VC16 and others)
- Plexon (CON/16o25m-18P, CON/16m-V, and others)
- Cambridge NeuroTech (ASSY-79 probes)
We recommend using low impedance (below 100 kΩ) electrodes for stimulation purposes due to the limited ±7V compliance range of the RHS headstages.
This headstage also mates with the following Intan custom electrode adapters:
Technical Specs |
Part #M4016 RHS 16ch |
headstage inputs | 16 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground |
electrode connector | Omnetics A79041: 18 pins, 2 guide posts |
data cable connector | 16-pin RHS Stim SPI cable connector; high-speed serial digital data |
size | 24 mm x 13 mm |
mass | 0.99 grams |
RHS 16-channel stim/record headstage with Stim SPI interface cable. |
The zero-ohm jumper R0 may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground.
RHS 32-Channel Stim/Recording Headstages
Our 32-channel stim/recording headstage has a 36-pin electrode connector that mates with many commercially-available electrodes, including probes from the following companies:
- Atlas Neuroengineering (32ch semi-chronic, chronic probes)
- Blackrock Microsystems (Cereplex M connector)
- BMSEED (in vitro MEAs)
- Doric Lenses (opto-electric cannulas)
- MicroProbes (most array types)
- NeuroNexus (CM32, OCM32LP, H32, OH32LP, MR_CM32, MR_H32, V32, OV32, VC32, MR_H64, MR_HC64, MCM64, MH64, MSH64 and others)
- Plexon (CON/32m-V and others)
- Cambridge NeuroTech (ASSY-116 probes)
We recommend using low impedance (below 100 kΩ) electrodes for stimulation purposes due to the limited ±7V compliance range of the RHS headstages.
This headstage also mates with the following Intan custom electrode adapters:
Technical Specs |
Part #M4032 RHS 32ch |
headstage inputs | 32 unipolar inputs, common reference, ground |
electrode connector | Omnetics A79025: 36 pins, 4 guide posts |
data cable connector | 16-pin RHS Stim SPI cable connector; high-speed serial digital data |
size | 24 mm x 15 mm |
mass | 1.35 grams |
RHS 32-channel stim/record headstage with Stim SPI interface cable. A second RHS2116 chip is mounted to the bottom side of the headstage. |
The zero-ohm jumper R0 may be removed to disconnect the reference electrode from ground.
Two redundant REF pins and two redundant GND pins are provided on the electrode connector; only one needs to be connected.
Related Products
- RHS stim/recording system
- Stim SPI interface cables
- Adapters for custom electrodes
- LVDS adapter board for custom hardware development
Supporting Documents
- Application note:
Adapting RHS Stim SPI cables to a commutator
- RHS Stim SPI cable/connector specification
- Complete schematics of all RHS headstages are available for download.