Example Signals Acquired with RHD2000 Chips

Electrophysiological signals obtained using RHD2000 electrophysiology amplifier chips and standard electrodes.

ECG from Intan RHD2000 chip

ECG/EKG signal recorded with RHD2216 chip using Ag/AgCl electrodes on the chest. The amplifiers were configured with a lower cutoff frequency of 0.6 Hz and an upper cutoff frequency of 100 Hz. ADC sampling rate was 2 kS/s per channel.

EMG from Intan RHD2000 chip

EMG signal recorded with RHD2216 chip using Ag/AgCl electrodes over bicep during two brief muscle contractions. The amplifiers were configured with a lower cutoff frequency of 10 Hz and an upper cutoff frequency of 1 kHz. ADC sampling rate was 4 kS/s per channel.

Neural spikes and LFPs from Intan RHD2000 chip

Neural action potentials (spikes) and local field potentials (LFPs) recorded with RHD2132 chip in SI/barrel cortex of a freely behaving mouse using a gold-plated nichrome tetrode. The amplifiers were configured with a lower cutoff frequency of 1 Hz and an upper cutoff frequency of 9.0 kHz. ADC sampling rate was 30 kS/s per channel. (Data courtesy of Jakob Voigts, MIT/Brown).

Neural spikes from Intan RHD2000 chip

The neural data from above acquired with an RHD2132 chip, high-pass filtered at 300 Hz in software to remove LFPs and isolate spikes. This filtering also could have been performed using the on-chip DSP high-pass filter.

Aligned neural spikes from Intan RHD2000 chip

Several time-aligned cortical action potentials from the data shown above acquired with an RHD2132 chip. The time axis has been expanded to show the precise shape of each spike over a 1 ms window.