Example Signals Acquired with RHS2000 Chips

Electrophysiological signals obtained with the Intan stimulation/recording controller, headstages using RHS2116 stimulator/amplifier chips, and AIROF (activated iridium oxide film) microelectrodes.

Evoked neural action potentials from Intan RHS2116 chip

Evoked neural action potentials recorded in mouse thalamus with RHS2116 chip. Single biphasic pulses of ±10 μA and 200 μs per phase were delivered on the same channel being recorded. A software one-pole high-pass filter at 600 Hz was applied to the data to emphasize spikes.

Evoked multi-unit bursts from Intan RHS2116 chip

Evoked multi-unit bursts recorded in mouse thalamus with RHS2116 chip. Single biphasic pulses of ±10 μA and 100 μs per phase were delivered on the same channel being recorded. A software one-pole high-pass filter at 600 Hz was applied to the data to emphasize spikes.