User Manuals
RHD Recording System
Intan recording system user guide
for use with 512ch or 1024ch recording controller - RHX data acquisition software user guide
- RHD 128-channel headstage user guide
- RHD electroplating board user guide
- RHD dual headstage adapter datasheet
- RHD SPI cable/connector specification
- Application Notes:
- NEW:
Noise reduction techniques
Adapting RHD SPI cables to a commutator
Note: RHD Intan-ready motorized commutators are available from Alpha Omega, Cambridge NeuroTech, LabMaker, Doric, and NeuroTek.
The Kaetzel Lab at Ulm University has developed an open-source motorized commutator compatible with Intan headstages (see paper and design files). - RHD data file formats
I/O voltage level shifting
for use with USB interface board - Accelerometer calibration
- Adding an LED to headstages
- Interfacing a microphone to headstages
- FAQs:
RHS Stim/Recording System
- Intan stimulation/recording system user guide
- RHX data acquisition software user guide
- RHS Stim SPI cable/connector specification
- Application Notes:
- NEW:
Noise reduction techniques
Adapting RHS Stim SPI cables to a commutator
Note: An RHS Intan-ready motorized commutator is available from NeuroTek. - RHS data file formats
Chip Datasheets
RHD Amplifier Chips
RHS Stim/Amplifier Chips
RHX Data Acquisition Software
The universal RHX software works with RHD USB interface boards, RHD recording controllers, and RHS stim/recording controllers. The installer will set up all necessary drivers and other dependencies.
- RHX software
(Version 3.4, February 4, 2025)- RHX software user guide
- Release notes
- Windows installer
- Mac disk image
Note: A macOS security feature may prevent you from running the application. To bypass this, right-click (or Ctrl+click) the file and select Open, then agree to Open at the warning message. - Linux archive file and installation instructions
Ubuntu 18.04.5 or later recommended. Other Linux distributions (Fedora, Mint, and Debian) have been tested successfully, though these may require further installation of supporting libraries.
Note: This software can be run without hardware present; it will generate synthetic neural data for demonstration purposes if no Intan hardware is connected.
- RHX Probe Map documentation and examples
- RHX TCP Control documentation and examples
- RHX MATLAB realtime data transfer examples
RHD/RHS File Utilities
- MATLAB file readers
- MATLAB RHD file reader (last updated February 8, 2021)
- MATLAB RHS file reader (last updated February 8, 2021)
- MATLAB spike file reader (last updated May 11, 2022)
- Python file readers
- Python RHD file reader (last updated October 2, 2023)
- Python RHS file reader (last updated October 2, 2023)
- Python spike file reader (last updated October 2, 2023)
- Julia RHD/RHS file reader
(last updated February 9, 2021) - Jupyter RHD/RHS file readers using Python, Julia, and R
(last updated October 2, 2023) - NWB file converter to translate Intan data files to Neurodata Without Borders format (last updated October 2, 2023)
- NEX file converter to translate *.rhd or *.rhs data files into
NeuroExplorer format which can be read
into Plexon's Offline Sorterâ„¢
(last updated August 17, 2018) - RHD/RHS file merger to combine multiple *.rhd or *.rhs data files into
one large file
(last updated February 1, 2019)
RHD Electroplating Board
The following software is for use with the RHD electroplating board and 128-channel headstage only.
- Electroplating GUI
(Version 1.03, November 4, 2021)- Windows installer
- Mac disk image
Note: A macOS security feature may prevent you from running the application. To bypass this, right-click (or Ctrl+click) the file and select Open, then agree to Open at the warning message.
Legacy Software
- USB drivers for
Windows (7, 8, 10), Mac, and Linux
These drivers should be installed before attaching Intan hardware to a computer. If you later receive an error message from our software saying 'Opal Kelly USB drivers not installed' you may need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
Windows Installation Packages
- Intan Windows software is compatible with Windows 7, 8, or 10. If you have trouble running any Intan software under Windows, you may need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 and for Visual Studio 2015 from Microsoft.
RHS Stim/Recording Controller
- Stim/Recording Controller software
(Version 1.07, July 6, 2020)Note: This software can be run without a Stim/Recording Controller; it will generate synthetic neural data for demonstration purposes if no Intan hardware is connected.
RHD Recording Controller
The following software is for use with the 512ch and 1024ch Recording Controllers. This software does not work with the RHD USB interface board.
- Recording Controller software
(Version 2.08, July 6, 2020)Note: This software can be run without a Recording Controller; it will generate synthetic neural data for demonstration purposes if no Intan hardware is connected.
RHD USB Interface Board
The following software is for use with the RHD USB Interface Board. This software does not work with the 512ch and 1024ch Recording Controllers.
- USB Interface Board software
(Version 1.5.4, July 6, 2020)Note: This software can be run without a RHD USB Interface Board; it will generate synthetic neural data for demonstration purposes if no Intan hardware is connected.
RHD File Utilities
- Windows command line file converter to translate *.rhd data files to Spike2 format (June 21, 2021)
Source Code
RHX Data Acquisition Software
- RHX software
(Version 3.4, February 4, 2025)- C++/Qt source code available on GitHub.
- Application Note: Building RHX source code
RHD/RHS File Utilities
- NEX file converter to translate *.rhd or *.rhs data files into
NeuroExplorer format which can be read
into Plexon's Offline Sorterâ„¢
(Version 1.2, August 17, 2018) - RHD/RHS file merger to combine multiple *.rhd or *.rhs data files into
one large file
(Version 1.1, February 1, 2019)
RHS Stim/Recording Controller
- Stim/Recording Controller software
(Version 1.07, July 6, 2020) - RhythmStim USB-7310 API for custom interface design with XEM7310
(Version 3.3, August 28, 2023)- RhythmStim USB-7310 API documentation
- C++ source code including pre-compiled FPGA configuration file
- FPGA Verilog HDL source code (only required if you wish to modify the FPGA firmware; requires Xilinx Vivado)
- Legacy RhythmStim API for custom interface design with XEM6010
(Version 1.02)- RhythmStim API documentation
- C++ source code including pre-compiled FPGA configuration file
- FPGA Verilog HDL source code (only required if you wish to modify the FPGA firmware; requires Xilinx ISE)
RHD Recording Controller
The following software is for use with the 512ch and 1024ch Recording Controllers.
- Recording Controller software
(Version 2.08, July 6, 2020) - Rhythm USB-7310 API for custom interface design with XEM7310
(Version 3.3, August 28, 2023)- Rhythm USB-7310 API documentation
- C++ source code including pre-compiled FPGA configuration file
- FPGA Verilog HDL source code (only required if you wish to modify the FPGA firmware; requires Xilinx Vivado)
- Legacy Rhythm USB3 API for custom interface design with XEM6310
(Version 2.04)- Rhythm USB3 API documentation
- C++ source code including pre-compiled FPGA configuration file
- FPGA Verilog HDL source code (only required if you wish to modify the FPGA firmware; requires Xilinx ISE)
RHD USB Interface Board
The following software is for use with the RHD USB Interface Board.
- USB Interface Board software
(Version 1.5.4, July 6, 2020) - Legacy Rhythm API for custom interface design with XEM6010
(Version 1.5.1)- Rhythm API documentation
- C++ source code including pre-compiled FPGA configuration file
- FPGA Verilog HDL source code (only required if you wish to modify the FPGA firmware; requires Xilinx ISE)
RHD Electroplating Board
The following software is for use with the RHD electroplating board and 128-channel headstage.
- Electroplating GUI
(Version 1.03, November 4, 2021)- C++/Qt source code available on GitHub.
MCU Firmware
RHD STM32 Firmware Framework
Intan has developed open-source C code written for the STM32U5 and STM32H7 microcontroller families to facilitate control of Intan RHD2216, RHD2132, and RHD2164 chips over SPI.
All example code was developed on the commercially-available NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q or NUCLEO-H723ZG development boards, which are available from many electronics distributors. Intan Technologies does not sell any MCU development boards.
- RHD STM32 Firmware Framework
(Version 1.1, September 5, 2024) - RHD STM32 Firmware Framework
(Version 1.0, December 6, 2023)
Design Resources
RHD Printed Circuit Board Designs
- Intan RHD parts library in Eagle PCB format
- Eagle and Gerber PCB design files
with PDF schematics and parts lists: - RHD USB interface board (C3100)
- RHD 16ch headstage (C3334)
- RHD 16ch headstage with accelerometer (C3335)
- RHD 32ch headstage /
RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage (C3313/C3314) - RHD 32ch headstage with accelerometer /
16ch bipolar-input headstage with accelerometer (C3323/C3324) - RHD 64ch headstage (C3315)
- RHD 64ch headstage with accelerometer (C3325)
- RHD 128ch headstage (C3316)
- RHD electroplating board (C3180)
- 18-pin electrode adapter board (C3418)
- 36-pin electrode adapter board (C3410)
- RHD SPI cable adapter board (C3430)
- RHD2216 Arduino shield board (C3601)
- LVDS adapter board (C3490)
RHS Printed Circuit Board Designs
- Intan RHS parts library in Eagle PCB format
- Eagle and Gerber PCB design files
with PDF schematics and parts lists: - RHS 16ch stim/record headstage (M4016)
- RHS 32ch stim/record headstage (M4032)
- RHS Stim SPI cable adapter board (M4430)
- 18-pin electrode adapter board (C3418)
- 36-pin electrode adapter board (C3410)
- LVDS adapter board (C3490)
3D Models
- 3D models of Intan headstages and adapter boards in SolidWorks and STEP format:
- RHD 16ch headstage (C3334)
- RHD 16ch headstage with accelerometer (C3335)
- RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage (C3313)
- RHD 16ch bipolar-input headstage with accelerometer (C3323)
- RHD 32ch headstage (C3314)
- RHD 32ch headstage with accelerometer (C3324)
- RHD 64ch headstage (C3315)
- RHD 64ch headstage with accelerometer (C3325)
- RHD 128ch headstage (C3316)
- RHD SPI cable adapter board (C3430)
- RHS 16ch stim/record headstage (M4016)
- RHS 32ch stim/record headstage (M4032)
- RHS SPI cable adapter board (M4430)
- 18-pin electrode adapter board (C3418)
- 36-pin electrode adapter board (C3410)
- LVDS adapter board (C3490)